- Regular psychological support;
- Regular psychosocial support;
- Shaping society through culture and education.

- Системна психологічна підтримка;
- Системна психосоціальна підтримка;
- Формація суспільства через культуру та просвітництво.


- Providing psychological support in groups and individually to defenders and their families, including defenders on rotation; defenders undergoing treatment; commissioned defenders; defenders who returned from captivity; families (mothers, wives, children) of military members; families of military members who lost a loved one in the combat zone; families of military members whose relatives are missing; families of military members whose relatives are in captivity.
- Providing psychological support in groups and individually to citizens and internally displaced citizens.
- Providing psychological support in groups and individually to volunteers, social workers, doctors, and people in auxiliary professions.
- Providing psychosocial support to people aged 60+.
- Providing psychosocial support to defenders/people with disabilities.
- We aim to create a conscious future for our country through the formation of personal responsibility for personal and social prosperity.

In Uzhhorod, Mukachevo and Svaliava
«Being open to life allows you to experience the world in its fullness and love.»

Lyubov Mykhailyuk
Director of the “Tree of My Life” Charitable Foundation.
Co-founder of the psychological resource, the educational and cultural project “Tree of My Life”.
Candidate for resource-oriented counselors, School of Individual and Group Counseling and Family Counseling, IRCGP.
Master of Religious Studies, Ukrainian Catholic University.
Journalist, Ivan Franko State University of Lviv.
Counseling practice for 4 years.
Consultant in military psychology.
«In listening to the world, to another person, to ourselves, we hear depth, hear a special language, and get closer to ourselves.»

Ksenia Teresa Tarnavska
Co-founder of the psychological resource, the educational and cultural project “Tree of My Life”.
Analytically oriented psychologist, candidate for a psychotherapist in the symbolic drama method, an active member of IRCGP, and author of training programs.
Leading therapeutic groups on dreams and cognition of archetypes and symbols.
Psychological practice for 15 years.
Consultant in military psychology.
«Everyone is important and needed in their place. Everyone is on their own front.»

Tatiana Rogozhan
Content manager
Candidate of Resource Oriented Counselors, School of Individual and Group Counseling and Family Counseling, IRCGP.
Painter, graphic designer, teacher.
Consulting practice for 4 years.
«You are the only one who can change your life for the better by simply intending to do so.» (Eastern wisdom)

Olena Herzheniy
Head of the Svaliava Center
Practicing psychologist, game therapist, specialist in working with MAC, sand therapist, and Gestalt consultant.
Psychological practice for 15 years.
I turned my heart to know and to search out and to seek wisdom and the scheme of things, and to know the wickedness of folly and the foolishness that is madness. (Ecclesiastes 7:25)

Marta Mykhailets
Head of the Uzhhorod Center
Coach of self-realization and career guidance
Mental health specialist in organizations, trainer
Icon painter, painter
Consulting practice 3 years
«When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3) My answer to myself: “Remain human and radiate light even more zealously!»

Natalia Vasko
Lecturer, consultant in body-oriented psychotherapy at the School of Vyacheslav and Olena Smirnov, Tibetan gymnastics instructor, International Academy of Human Self-Development System “Zhim Lam”.
Body-oriented practice for 8 years.
Consultant in military psychology.
«Don't forget to dream every day, don't forget to smile in the face of grief. Smiling lips are the armor that even your fate will not break.» Lina Kostenko

Valentyna Kasych
One of the first licensed Zumba® instructors in Zakarpattia (since 2016).
Instructor of Zumba® Fitness, Zumba® Gold, Strong Nation® / Certified trainer of group fitness programs. Member of the Zumba® Instructor Network (ZIN™).
Coaching experience: 10 years
Dance experience: 14 years
«Only solidity is a symbol of self-preservation» Vasyl Stus

Nadiia Vovk
A book lover by heart, a philologist at heart, and a lawyer by training. My love for literature has always overwhelmed me, particularly for Ukrainian books, because they encode an important part of our national identity.
Books are joy, happiness, laughter and tears, adventures, horrors, love stories, life, love and death. When emotions overwhelm, they must be shared. That's what I share with everyone.
«Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.» (Matthew 18:3).

Pavlo Gudra
Resource-oriented counselor, School of Individual and Group Counseling and Family Counseling, IRCGP.
Consultant in military psychology.
Biologist. Uzhgorod National University.
Consulting practice for 3 years.
«Give a little bit of yourself to a person, and your soul becomes filled with light.» Lina Kostenko

Kateryna Bilovar
Specialization: teacher of foreign language and literature; teacher of Ukrainian Business Speech and Fundamentals of Editing.
A curator of the “Respectable Girls” (Поважні дівчатка) community.
"I believe that the world is full of opportunities, so it's important not to whine, but to take a step forward."

Tetiana Literati
A journalist, author of the “Lost Uzhhorod” project, researcher of the city's history, who is very passionate about preserving its cultural and architectural heritage.
She is the head of the educational and cultural direction of the Tree of My Life project.
"Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action." Benjamin Disraeli

Edita Geshten
Practicing psychologist, member of the International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP), student of the Vinnytsia School of Psychotherapy, specializing in Group Psychoanalysis.
Psychological practice for 3 years.
"Every person is unique and inimitable"

Valentyna Yarova
Candidate for a psychotherapist in the method of symbolic drama, an active member of the IRGSP.
Psychologist-consultant in the method of Positive Cross-Cultural Psychotherapy.
Leading children's and teenage groups and trainings for parents and couples.
Psychological practice for 9 years.
Consultant in military psychology.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”

Yulia Inkovska
PhD in Public Administration
Lecturer in philosophy and public administration
Project manager of the Svaliava Center.