What happens when we dance and connect with music?
Let’s look at it from two perspectives: the psycho-emotional state and the body.
Because of the war in our country, we are experiencing a lot of emotional stress, anxiety, fears, anger – all of which takes a toll on our bodies:
– In dance, we breathe deeply, which allows us to relax and relieve tension;
– the hormone endorphin is activated, which has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state;
– through communication with others, new contacts, social ties are established;
– through dance, we can discover new talents in ourselves, which helps to increase self-esteem;
– through new knowledge, new skills, and active communication, we broaden our horizons, which helps us to look at and solve problems and perceive life differently.
From the point of view of physiology:
– we strengthen our muscles;
– memory develops, our brain trains, because during the dance you need to be focused to remember the steps and the dance itself, thus preventing the development of dementia;
– the blood is saturated with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and thinking;
– the vestibular system is strengthened.