

Transformational games

Transformational games (T-games) are a psychological tool that helps in an easy and relaxed way to find deep answers to your questions, to transform (transform) negative […]

Body-oriented psychotherapy

Living today in these realities of war, we must understand that being under the constant influence of psychological factors: stress, tension, unlived emotions can suffer the […]

Evening of Italian culture in Uzhhorod

An «Evening of Italian culture in Uzhhorod» was held in support of the 128th Transcarpathian Separate Mountain Assault Brigade An evening of getting to know Italian […]

A Meeting with Tetiana Literati

There was an unforgettable meeting with Tetiana Literati in «The TREE of MY LIFE». Tetiana is a journalist, researcher of the history of Uzhhorod, honorary citizen […]

Vasyl Husti – a Ukrainian poet, publicist and a translator

Poems by Vasyl Husti were set to music by S. Marton, M. Panchenko, V. Hayduk, M. Popenko, V. Telychko, S. Giga, Zoya Slobodian, I. Kozar, P. […]

А meeting with Dmytro Keshelіа, Transcarpathian writer, playwright, screenwriter

The author of books, short stories and novels including: «Rodaky»(Relatives), «Tree of Green Rain», «Lullaby of the Sun», «And the Earth Still Spins», «The Season of […]

Diocesan Youth Day of the Kyiv-Zhytomyr Diocese

From September 16 to 18, the Caritas-Spes base in Zarichany became a meeting place and a spiritual resource for almost 300 young people from various parishes […]

Навчальний рік в умовах війни: батьки, вчителі та діти – що робити? Психолог: КсеніяТарнавська

Навчальний рік розпочався, і він особливий – не такий, як зазвичай Навіть попри попередні навчальні роки, коли навчання проводили в умовах пандемії, навчання в умовах війни […]

Making music is a way to find peace: how classes are held in the “Tree of Life” space in Uzhhorod

Swimming in the sea of bubbles is already a lot of positive emotions. And before that – awakening, movement. At the end – relaxation, in order […]